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Sunday, 07 February 2021 12:31

Forex Sniper Killer

Forex Sniper Killer (FSK) is a MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Trading System that comprises two indicators and operates on the Forex market with a purpose or function of conducting critical in-depth market technical analysis on behalf of a retail trader. Within it is an inbuilt 95% trading precision, for both long & short term trades. Its built up includes theories that aids it precision of market Supply & Demand on commercial scale incorporated, and further algorithmic price actionable trading styles incorporated. All hidden behind the entry and exit colored spot signs that reflect potential buying and selling opportunities. Here you can download FSK trading system for free and learn how to use it for more profitability and consistency.



Forex Sniper Killer System Overview:


This MetaTrader 4 (MT4) tool is made up of 2 Custom Indicators combined to provide a complete and efficient Stress Free Trading System.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System Overview


  FOREX SNIPER KILLER Entry Alert Indicator:

It is responsible for the appearance of Buy and Sell signals which are reflected on the chart as Green Dots (buy signals) or Red Dots (sell signals).

  • The Green Dots are bull or long signals: which means that when an alert is given by the green signal dot, a confirmation bull candle is anticipated and then a BUY Trade can be executed.
  • The Red Dots are bear or short signals: In other words a confirmation bear candle is anticipated after the signal and then a SELL trade or position can be opened or executed.
  • It also generates a “Sound Pop up Alert” to confirm every signal.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System Alert Window


You can customize the “Sound Pop up Alert” in the Inputs tab of the indicator:

  • EnableSoundAlert: True → Enable the sound alert / False → Disable the sound alert.
  • AnableMailAlert: True → Activate the alert sending by e-mail / False → Deactivate the alert sending by e-mail.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System Alert Inputs


  FOREX SNIPER KILLER Aka FSK Plugin Indicator:

This indicator is designed to define important Entry & Exit levels: a Resistance/Selling levels when current market price is underneath them, or a Support/Buying levels when current market price is above them.

  • Golden solid horizontal lines: depict important market support & resistance price levels and define critical long term buying & selling areas.
  • Blue dotted horizontal lines: depict weak market support & resistance price level and define short term buying & selling areas.



Recommendations for Forex Sniper Killer System:


To reduce the risk of losing money and increase your chances to really make money with the this trading system, you must have all the following elements. Even having only one less will ensure that you lose.


  What You Must Know Before Using FSK System?

  • Use proper Risk or Money Management when taking trades: be extremely careful when determining trading volumes and setting lot sizes.
  • Make sure you have a good and fast internet connection.
  • Use the system on accounts of minimum balance $100 and above.
  • Correctly read the market situation when using this system.
  • We strongly recommend that you operate a demo account before trading with real money: back test your FSK package for at least 7 trading days before investing and using real money with it. That will help you become familiar with the way FSK system operates before you commit genuine funds to a Real money account.


  How To Achieve 95% Success Rate While Using The FSK System?

  • The 95% success rate is achieved from trading on Higher Timeframes (H1 and higher).
  • Make sure to always use the "Forex Sniper Killer Entry Alert" as confirmation before taking trades.
  • Make sure that for each entry taken, when the Red or Green Dot used as entry confirmation appears, the price should be reflected from the recognized support or resistance level.
  • Always give your trade time: at least 1 Hour holding period from entry to attain maximum profits.
  • Make sure to protect your profits with a trailing stop when you hold trades as Markets fluctuate often.


  Which Currency Pairs to trade?

You can use this system with Any Currency Pair, but as usual, the indicator perform best with Major currency pairs.


  Broker Requirements:

  • FSK works basically with any broker that can offer a MetaTrader 4 platform, regardless of account type, if it uses micro or mini lots, 4 or 5 decimal quotations.
  • You are free to use any MetaTrader 4 broker you wish, but keep in mind to find a broker that offers minimum spreads to ensure FSK’s best performance.
  • Also, make sure the broker has a good reputation worldwide among its customers.
  • ECN brokers are a good choice, because they have tight spreads and that is what we need to make true profits.
  • ECN brokers operate directly on the Forex market for their clients and not against them as most of dealing desk brokers do.
  • Only a few pips of difference for all currencies used combined (10 in our case) can make a big difference over a few thousand trades and a lot of extra money.
  • Choosing a better broker is easier than trying to win that difference in pips between brokers.
  • Our goal is to win money on Forex, and although opening a new account on a good broker takes minutes, it can have a positive impact for many years to come.



Forex Sniper Killer System MT4 Installation:


The downloaded package contains 2 indicators and 1 template.


  Step 1:

  • Open your MT4 (MetaTrader 4) platform.
    Click on "File" then "Open Data Folder". Here you will find a folder called "MQL4", this is the new “home” for all  ".ex4" or ".mq4" files you have.
    Open the folder "MQL4". Here you will find "Indicators" folder, where you should put the 2 indicators present in the "Indicators" folder downloaded from our site. Do this by right clicking on each file and clicking “copy” and then “paste”.
  • The folder called "templates" is the home for all your ".tpl" files: put "Forex Snipper Killer Template.tpl" here.
    Restart your MT4.

 Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System MT4 Installation


  Step 2:

  • Open the MT4 (MetaTrader 4) platform, and click on: "View/Navigator". You can also press CTRL+N.
  • When the window titled "Navigator" will appear click on "Indicators".
  • You should found the "FOREX SNIPER KILLER Entry Alert" & "FOREX SNIPER KILLER Aka FSK Plugin" files under this folder.

 Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Indicators Location


You don't have to load the indicators separately on your chart, The templates included in the downloaded package will do the job for you.



How to Setup Forex Sniper Killer System?


When the 2 indicators are installed successfully, all what you have to do is apply the template provided with this system to your chart.

  How to apply "Forex Snipper Killer Template.tpl" to your chart?

  • Click on "Templates" button to display the list of templates present on your platform: you should see "Forex Snipper Killer Template" on this list.
  • Select "Forex Snipper Killer Template" on the dropdown list.
  • If the template doesn't exist, confirm its presence inside the folder called templates under Open Data Folder and restart your MT4 terminal.

 Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System Setup

"Forex Snipper Killer Template" will plot automatically on your chart the the whole system.



How To Use Forex Sniper Killer System?


SELL entry Signal

  Sell Entry Rules:

  Open a sell order when all of the below conditions are met:

  • Wait for the Downtrend to confirm.
    Wait for a Pullback preceded by a Green Dot on the chart.
    A Valid Sell Signal is when the Red Dot appears at the same time when the Price Bounces on the Golden Solid Line (important resistance level).
  • Open the sell order when the Bearish Candle Closes Below the Golden Line.
    You can put your Stop Loss above the previous high.


  How to set your take profit?

  • The Take Profit Level should be set slightly above the next support level: above the golden solid lines for long term sell orders or above the blue dotted lines for short term sell orders.
    The Trailing Stop is a very useful option to protect your earnings against the vagaries of Forex.


  SELL Trade Example:

This Sell trade example was selected from the recent H1 EUR/USD chart.

  After a bullish pullback, a Sell Signal is detected:

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - A Valid Sell Signal Example


  The Sell Entry and Take Profits Levels:

  • For the long term use the golden line to define the take profit.
  • For the short term, use the dotted blue line to define the take profit.
  • If you are opening a long-term trade, be sure to watch the market closely when the price hits the blue dotted line. Remember that a weak support level can turn into a strong level at any time.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Sell Trade Take Profit Levels


  Short Term Take Profit Level for Sell Order:

When the price reaches the blue dotted line, you have 3 possibilities:

  • Close your position and wait for the next signal.
  • Partially close your position for a half and leave the second part until the price hits the gold line.
  • If you want to leave your entire position until the strong support (golden line), remember to move the stop loss above the low support area to protect your gains.
  • Do not forget that the trailing stop is a good protection against the vagaries of Forex.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Sell Order at Weak Support Level


  Long Term Take Profit Level for Sell Order:

The important support area specified by the gold line (high support level) should be seen as the optimal point to close all your open sell orders and as a potential area for opening new trades.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Sell Order at Important Support Level


BUY Entry Signal

  Buy Entry Rules:

  Open a buy order when all of the below conditions are met:

  • Wait for the Uptrend to confirm.
  • Wait for a Pullback preceded by a Red Dot on the chart.
  • A Valid Buy Signal is when the Green Dot Appears at the same time when the Price Bounces on The Golden Solid Line (important support level).
  • Open the buy order when the Bullish Candle Closes Above the Golden Line.
  • You can put your Stop Loss Below the Previous Low.


  How to set your take profit?

  • The Take Profit Level should be set slightly below the next resistance level: below the golden solid lines for long term buy orders or below the blue dotted lines for short term buy orders.
  • The Trailing Stop is a very useful option to protect your earnings against the vagaries of Forex.


  BUY Trade Example:

This Buy trade example was selected from the recent H1 USD/CHF chart.

  After a bearish pullback, a Buy Signal is detected:

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - A Valid Buy Signal Example


  The Buy Entry and Take Profits Levels:

  • For the long term use the golden line to define the take profit.
  • For the short term, use the dotted blue line to define the take profit.
  • If you are opening a long-term trade, be sure to watch the market closely when the price hits the blue dotted line. Remember that a weak resistance level can turn into a strong level at any time.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Buy Trade Take Profit Levels


  Short Term Take Profit Level for Buy Order:

When the price reaches the blue dotted line, you have 3 possibilities:

  • Close your position and wait for the next signal.
  • Partially close your position for a half and leave the second part until the price hits the gold line.
  • If you want to leave your entire position until the strong resistance (golden line), remember to move the stop loss below the low resistance area to protect your gains.
  • Do not forget that the trailing stop is a good protection against the vagaries of Forex.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Buy Order at Weak Resistance Level


  Long Term Take Profit Level for Buy Order:

The important resistance area specified by the gold line (high resistance level) should be seen as the optimal point to close all your open buy orders and as a potential area for opening new trades.

Click on the image to open the full size version!
Forex Sniper Killer System - Buy Order at Important Resistance Level



Forex Sniper Killer System Free Download:


Forex Sniper Killer System For Metatrader 4| 28.02 Ko| 09/02/2021, 12:32


Last modified on Tuesday, 09 February 2021 14:13
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